Articles on: Troubleshooting

Editor connection troubleshooting

If you do not see your device in the Editor

If you are using the Web Editor, check that MIDI has been enabled in the browser.

MIDI settings in Chrome

If you are using the PRO series, check that you have connected the USB cable connected to the USB Device port, and NOT the USB Host port.

Check that your USB Cable is not faulty

Check that your Browser is updated to the latest available version

Restart browser

Restart computer

If you can see your device in the Editor, but have issues connecting

Check that your Editor version matches your controller firmware version.

The Editor at is constantly updated. If there is a new firmware released, the Editor will be updated to suit the latest firmware, and there might be communication issues with older firmwares (depending on whether we worked/improved on the communication protocol).

We always publish the firmware version that the Editor is suited for at the bottom of the editor:

Editor version

If you need access to the older editors, we also always have the links to previous versions available at the bottom of the editor.

If you are using the WIDI Jack to connect to the Editor, check that you have it set to the correct TRS MIDI Type.

There is a physical switch on the WIDI Jack that switches the connection between Type A and Type B TRS MIDI. If you are connecting the WIDI Jack to the 3.5mm MIDI ports on the PRO series, you should switch it to a Type A connection. If you are connecting it to the DIN 5 MIDI ports using the CME 2.5mm to DIN5 cables, you should switch it to a Type B connection, as these cables are Type B cables.

If you are using the WIDI Jack to connect to the Editor, check that you have updated the WIDI Jack firmware to the latest version

The factory firmware has some issues with sending large SysEx messages and the latest updates fixes this issue.

If you are using a USB MIDI interface to connect to the DIN MIDI ports for communication with the Editor, check that you have the cables properly connected (and not wrongly orientated) to the MC 7-pin MIDI ports.

Try restarting your Browser and/or Computer if the above does not resolve the issue.

Further troubleshooting on MacOS

If the issue still persists, there might be a issue in the macOS MIDI platform. It is also possible that there is another connected MIDI device that is causing the conflict.

Remove the MIDI Device in MIDI Studio

In Finder, open Utilties

Open Audio MIDI Setup

If MIDI Studio does not show, click on Show MIDI Studio

You'll see all the connected MIDI devices here.

Disconnect the USB cable to your MIDI devices, and then select the MIDI Device and then MIDI Studio >> Remove Selected Device

Reconnect the MIDI device to re-install it in macOS.

You should do this for the Morningstar device and see if it resolves the connection issue. If it does not, try disconnecting and remove other MIDI devices and see if it resolves the issue.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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