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Fractal VP4

Fractal VP4

User manual
See page 55 for the MIDI Implementation
See pages 48-49 for the MIDI functions assignable under Setup => MIDI / Remote

Switching FX "channels"

The VP4 features 4 effects block, and each effects block features 4 channels. For example, 4 different drives can be assigned to a drive block, each represented by a channel 1-4. Many users change that channel using a long press on the VP4's stompswitch assigned to that effect. To do that over MIDI, assign that feature using Setup => MIDI / Remote, following the pages referenced from the manual above. For example, I could assign CC 4 on my drive block to "FX 1, 2, 3, 4 Bypass." Now I can use CC 4 on my Morningstar Controller to switch between 4 drive channels.

Updated on: 07/02/2025

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