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Walrus Audio

MAKO Series Pedals

The Walrus Audio Mako series pedals have full MIDI integration of their parameters and functions, so they can easily be integrated with your Morningstar product. Please see their manuals for details beyond what is listed here. This article uses the manual for the MAKO series M1 (v.1) as reference.

Setting up MIDI channels

MIDI channels are selected when the pedal starts up. Hold down the two stompswitches before powering on the pedal. Send a PC message on the channel you want to set the device to. Done!

Recalling and Saving Presets

The pedal saves to whatever preset is currently loaded/recalled. The first 9 presets (0-8) can be recalled on the face of the pedal, while all 128 can be accessed by PC message over MIDI.

To save to presets 9-127, first send a PC message to recall that preset position. Then, set your parameters the way you like them. Finally, save the preset (hold the two stomp buttons until the LED blinks). Now that the preset is saved, sending that PC number will recall the saved presets.

CC messages

Use our MIDI Library to find the appropriate CC messages to change parameters over MIDI. We have also copied some of the relevant pages below.

MIDI Clock

The M1 and D1 accept MIDI Clock, but both also have ways of turning off the MIDI clock. The D1 has Global / Preset modes (preset mode keeps the preset own bpm), while the M1 has a "Clock Ignore" feature. See the relevant manual pages below.

Other resources

The following are the relevant pages from the manual of the Mako M1, v1. (CC messages are different on each Mako pedal, so download the appropriate manual from Walrus Audio).

MIDI settings

Recalling and Saving Presets on MAKO

Example MIDI parameter guide, Mako M1 v.1
Example MIDI parameter guide, Mako D1 v.1.

Updated on: 07/02/2025

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