How to create and send SysEx messages in the Editor
System Exclusive messages are split into multiple messages in a Preset. The process isn't exactly straight-forward but we'll do our best to explain it here.
When you select a System Exclusive (SysEx) message type, you'll see these parameters:

The maximum length of a SysEx string is shorter for MC3, MC6MK2 and MC8, so you'll see less parameters.
The first parameter always indicates the length of the SysEx message you want to send (excluding the Start 0xF0 and End 0xF7 bytes) :

So, if you want to send a SysEx messages like this:
F0 01 02 03 04 05 F7
The length parameter is 5, to indicate the 5 bytes in-between the Start and End bytes: 01 02 03 04 05. The following parameters will indicate the SysEx data that you want to send, which in the example is 01 02 03 04 05

If the length of the SysEx is much longer such that you require multiple SysEx messages, you can add more SysEx messages and treat it as a single message.
An easier way would be to use the Create SysEx Preset function:

You can just paste the SysEx string that you want to send:
When you click on Apply, it will create all the messages for you:

Please note that all existing Preset messages will be cleared when you create the SysEx messages.
When you select a System Exclusive (SysEx) message type, you'll see these parameters:

The maximum length of a SysEx string is shorter for MC3, MC6MK2 and MC8, so you'll see less parameters.
The first parameter always indicates the length of the SysEx message you want to send (excluding the Start 0xF0 and End 0xF7 bytes) :

So, if you want to send a SysEx messages like this:
F0 01 02 03 04 05 F7
The length parameter is 5, to indicate the 5 bytes in-between the Start and End bytes: 01 02 03 04 05. The following parameters will indicate the SysEx data that you want to send, which in the example is 01 02 03 04 05

If the length of the SysEx is much longer such that you require multiple SysEx messages, you can add more SysEx messages and treat it as a single message.
Create SysEx Preset tool
An easier way would be to use the Create SysEx Preset function:

You can just paste the SysEx string that you want to send:

When you click on Apply, it will create all the messages for you:

Please note that all existing Preset messages will be cleared when you create the SysEx messages.
Updated on: 12/08/2024
Thank you!