How-to Articles
Using the MC as an interface for the Meris LVX/Mercury and prEditor
Using the MC as an interface for the Meris LVX and Mercury with the prEDITOR The Meris prEDITOR allows you to quickly create presets, move them around, select your favorites, duplicate, swap, delete, assign your left and right favorites, import/export, access globals quickly and organize libraries. You’ll need to update the Meris devices to the latest firmware. Hardware Connections Connect the 5 PIN MIDI OUTPUT on thePopularHow to have only one preset toggled at any one time
For many use cases, you may just want the controller to indicate the last used Preset, so you know which preset is active. There are a few ways to do this. 1. Clear All Preset Toggles function in Bank Settings In the Bank Settings, there is the Clear All Preset Toggles function that you can utilisSome readersHow to do a Factory Reset on the MC6 PRO
After booting up, press Switch D+F to enter the config menu. Navigate to Factory Reset In the Factory Reset menu, you can choose whether to reset the current Profile, all Profiles or just the Controller Settings.Some readersAdding PC Scroll Numbers to your Preset Short / Toggle Name
In the PC Scroll Number feature, there are 16 slots that you can utilise. Each slot is a number that can be scrolled up or down with the PC Scroll feature. It is possible to display this number on your Preset Short Name or Toggle Name. Simply add a placeholder in the name. %E0 will display the number in the first slot. The last digit in the placeholder will determine which slot to display. Since there are 16 slots to use, we use the hexadecimal system to choose which slot to display. %E0 dSome readersSetting up your Expression Pedal
After connecting to the Editor, navigate to the Controller Settings tab and open the Configure Omniports section. For the desired Omniport, select Expression as the Omniport setting and then set the Expression Sensitivity before clicking on Save Settings. At this point, you will not be able to calibrateSome readersGetting an accurate MIDI Clock Tap Tempo
If you are using the MIDI Clock Tap message type to tap in a tempo, you may find that you might not be able to tap a very fast tempo (i.e. 150BPM). This is related to the switch sensitivity setting (under the Controller Settings tab), where a higher setting will let you tap in a faster, more accurate tempo. The Switch Sensitivity setting exists to allow the controller to do dual switch presses (to bank up/down etc). A lower setting will allow dual switch presses to execute more accurately, atSome readersMessage Filters
Filters allow you to filter out MIDI messages to get a clearer view of your preset. The filters highlighted in allow you to filter out MIDI messages based on their Preset Toggle Position. Both will show messages set to Pos 1, Pos 2 and Pos Both 1 & 2 will just show messages set to Pos 1 and Pos 2 The filters highlighted in allow you to filter outSome readersHow to use the Relay Port
What is the Relay Port used for The Relay port is used to do TRS switching. It can short Tip to Sleeve, Ring to Sleeve and both Tip + Ring to Sleeve . If your device or amplifier requires this type of switch then this will work. How to trigger the Relay Port In the editor, set up a preset to trigger the Relay Swtiching message type. Then, select the desired Relay Port. Relay port - Editor |||Some readersPreset Message Scroll (scroll through messages within a preset)
Overview This feature allows you to scroll through each of the 16 messages (or 32 on the MC6 PRO) that is programmed with a Release action in the Preset. In the picture below, I have set the option to Message Scroll On, which means that this Preset Message Scroll mode is now engaged. I have also programmed 5 messages, each sending a different CC Number and all with a Release action. With this setting, the first time I press and release the switch, a CC0 message will be sent. If I pFew readersPreset Toggle Reset Groups
Similar to the Clear all preset toggles feature in the Bank settings which resets all the preset toggles in the bank except the last engaged preset, the Toggle Reset Groups allows you to reset the preset toggle state of all the presets in the group except the last engaged preset Toggle Reset Group For example, if you have Preset A, B and C in Toggle Reset Group 1, and you have eFew readersUsing the Editor on a Mobile Device
Overview There are 2 ways to connect the controller to your phone Via a USB Adaptor (you might need a OTG USB adaptor for Android) Using a Bluetooth Dongle (For the MC6MKII, MC8 and MC6 PRO) Connecting using a Bluetooth dongle in iOS You will need to install the midimittr application in iOS,Few readersQuick access to selected devices in the MIDI Dictionary
Instead of scrolling through the hundreds of devices available in the MIDI Dictionary each time you need to refer to a MIDI implementation in the Editor, you can add selected devices to Favourites which gives you quick access to these device’s MIDI implementations. In the MIDI Dictionary tab, there is a checkbox beside each device. Selecting the check box will add the device to yFew readersControlling the bypass state in a Neural DSP Plugin
There are 2 ways to control the Bypass/Engage function of each effect in the Neural DSP plugin. In our tutorial videos, we mostly show how to do this using the CC Toggle function, but if you want to reflect the bypass state of the effect on the Controller as well, you'll need to use a different method. Method 1 - Using CC Toggle The CC Toggle function in Neural DSP allows you to just send 1 CC message to toggle on and off the effect. Here's an example: ( readersTransferring backup file from a different model
It is possible to use a backup file from a different model and uploading it to another. For example, you can use a backup file from a MC6MKII and upload it to a MC6 PRO. Only overlapped presets will be filled However, do note that only the overlapped presets will be filled. Following the example above, since the MC6MKII has 12 presets (A - L) and the MC6 PRO has 24, only Preset A-L will be filled when you load the backup file from the MC6MKII to the MC6 PRO. Model specific message typesFew readersHow to create and send SysEx messages in the Editor
System Exclusive messages are split into multiple messages in a Preset. The process isn't exactly straight-forward but we'll do our best to explain it here. When you select a System Exclusive (SysEx) message type, you'll see these parameters: The maximum length of a SysEx string is shorter for MC3, MC6MK2 and MC8, so you'll see less parameters. The first parameter always indicates the length of the SysExFew readersRemapping MIDI channels
This feature allows you to remap a MIDI channel to a different channel. This means that, if you have a Strymon Timeline set to MIDI Channel 1 in all your messages, and don’t want to go through the hassle of updating all your messages in your controller, you can make use of the Remap MIDI Channel feature. This feature can be found in the Controller Settings tab For example, the setting below is the default, where no MIDI channels are remapped. The Timeline sends on MIDI Channel 1. (https://Few readersSending MIDI messages only on selected ports
If you need to limit a MIDI message to be sent out only to a specific port (i.e. Omniport 1), you can do that in the MIDI Channel Settings. Let's say, for example, your Timeline is connected to Omniport 1 and you want to it to receive only messages sent on it's MIDI channel, you can have the controller send only MIDI messages on Channel 1 to Omniport 1, and prevent Omniport 1 from sending MIDI messages on other MIFew readersHow do I paste a preset to all banks?
Go into the preset edit menu and then copy the preset. After the preset is copied, hold down the Paste button for 2 seconds. The device will paste the copied preset to all banks for the current active preset. On the Editor, you can copy the preset you want to paste and then triple click the Paste button to paste it to all banks. For example, if you want to copy Preset A and paste it to all banks, just load Preset A into the editor, click on Copy to copy Preset A, and then triple-click onFew readersHow to indicate only the last engaged Preset
Overview In the MC3/6/8, there is a Blink feature to indicate that the Preset is “Toggled”. You can use this feature to determine whether a Preset is in a toggled state. If the Preset is in a toggled state, the Preset name will blink if the Blink feature is turned on.Few readersRemoving the SD card in the MC6 PRO
The MC6 PRO has an on-board SD card to store all your data. You'll need to remove the 4 screws at the bottom to remove the backplate. After removing, you'll see the SD card on the board. Push the metal cover down towards the base to unclip it. After which, the metal cover can be lifted up and the SD card reFew readersPreset Toggle Mode (send different MIDI messages with each alternate press)
In our MIDI controllers, users can toggle between two sets of MIDI messages. Each preset has two toggle positions Position 1 and Position 2. Each preset also has a Toggle Mode setting as well as a Preset Blink setting. To toggle between two MIDI messages, the Toggle Mode setting needs to be turned On. When the Toggle Mode setting is turnFew readersCalibrating your Resistor Ladder Aux Switch
Overview The Resistor Ladder Aux Switch feature for the Omniport allows you to connect up to 8 (for the MC3/MC6MKII/MC8) or 16 (for the pro series) external switches using Omniport 1. We are currently not manufacturing the aux switch but you should be able to find a third party manufacturer. Schematic The recommend resistor values can be found below. Different values may be used, as long as the controller can read a different value on each switch during the calibration process. Only the TFew readersCustom Bank Sequence
The Custom Bank Sequence allows you to re-arrange your banks in a sequence such that when you Bank Up, the banks loaded will follow your custom sequence. This setting can be accessed in the Controller Settings tab. On the left side shows the Default Bank Sequence which is the default Bank 1 to 30 sequence. On the right side shows the Custom Bank Sequence which is what you canFew readersMIDI Message Converter
Overview The Event Processor feature allows you to map incoming MIDI messages and convert them to other types of MIDI messages. For example, you can tell the controller to send a CC5 Value 127 message to MIDI Channel 3, when it receives a PC8 message on Channel 1. You can also set the conversion to happen at the input or output. If the conversion happens at the input, the conversion will happen first, before the controller processes the message. What this means is that it is possible toFew readersPreset Shifting
What is Shift? Similar to Toggle Position 1 and 2, Shift is a state which the preset is in (similar to holding down the Shift key on your keyboard, but for this you don't need to hold it down). Preset messages can then be set to execute only when the Preset "Shifted". Once the Preset executes, the Preset will move back to the original (unshifted) state. Shift Types There are 2 types of Shifts Shift When the Preset position is in Shift, it will only engage messages whFew readersDisabling Bank Up / Bank Down / Toggle Page
Problem If you are accidentally hitting two switches and unintentionally banking up, banking down or toggling the page, it is possible to reduce the occurrence of this or disabling it altogether. Solution Increasing the Switch Sensitivity to 5 This will make it very hard to trigger a function using a 2 button press. Using Looper Mode You can also have the controller engage Looper Mode on boot up, which is similar to having the Switch Sensitivity set to 5. You can do this byFew readersHow to toggle Preset with a specific action
When the Preset Toggle feature is enabled, the Preset will toggle whenever a message is executed. For example, it will toggle when a Press, Long Press or Double Tap action is executed on the Preset and triggers at least one message. This may or may not be suited for what you want. The most common use case against this is that the user only wants to toggle the Preset when a Press action is executed, but not with another action like Double Tap. To do this, you need to disable the Preset TogglFew readersThe purpose of the Switch Sensitivity setting
The Switch Sensitivity setting under the Controller Settings >General Configuration section allows you to set how fast the preset should execute from the moment you press on the switch. A higher sensitivity setting will allow you to execute presets immediately upon pressing the switch (please also read Switch Latency). This is useful if you need to control functions like Record/Play/Stop in your MIDI devices, or if you want to send a CC message to engagFew readersHow do I lock my banks so that Switch A+B or B+C will not bank down or bank up?
Set your Switch Sensitivity to the maximum. This reduces the delay when a switch is pressed, and hence makes engaging dual switch functions harder. Alternatively, you can enable Dual Switch Lock. These settings can be found in the Controller Settings >General Configuration section.Few readersLooper Mode for Zero-latency Looper Control
Overview 🎥 For a video demonstration and tutorial on how to use Looper Mode, watch this: By default, even without Looper Mode, the messages are already sent out with a minimal delay. However, there may be some specific use cases where you need to reduce this delay even further. The Looper Mode feature is available on all Morningstar MIDI controllers. When in this mode, your controller will immediately send out its MIDI messages wFew readersUsing Placeholders in Preset names
Overview You can use placeholders to display certain information in your Preset short name. Types of placeholders %E and %F In the PC Scroll Number and CC Scroll Value features, there are 16 counters that you can utilise. Each counter is a number that can be scrolled up or down with the PC/CC Scroll message type. It is possible to display this number on your Preset Short Name. Simply add a placeholder in the name. %E0 will display the number in the first slot. The last digit inFew readersToggling a Preset with a specific action
Overview In our MIDI Controller world, each preset as 2 toggle positions, aptly named Position 1 (Pos1) and Position 2 (Pos2). Turning on the Preset Toggle Mode settings in the preset will allow you to toggle between Pos1 and Pos2. This will happen as long as a messages is executed in the preset, regardless of the action used. For example, if Toggle Mode is turned on, using a Long Press to execute a message, the Preset will toggle to the alternate position. Same with using a Press actioFew readersPreset Toggle Groups
Overview Preset Toggle Groups allows you to group the toggle positions of different presets, whether in the same or different bank, together. By default, all presets use the Local Preset Toggle, which means that when the Preset is toggled, only its own toggle position will change. Toggle Groups In this feature, Presets can now be assigned to 16 different Toggle Groups.Few readersCC Sequencer Generators
Overview The CC Sequence Generators allows you to step through a specified list of values at a given interval. Discussion thread on this feature here: Setting the list of values The list of values can be found in the Editor under the Controller Settings tab. There are 2 lists that you can edit. First, specify the length of your list (up to 16) and second, set tFew readersHow to limit MIDI Clock to specific ports
By default, when the MC is generating MIDI clock, it is sent out to all ports (DIN MIDI OUT, Omniports, USB etc). If you need to limit MIDI clock to specific outputs (because you do not want certain connected devices to receive MIDI clock), there are 2 ways to do it. Using the MIDI Clock Port Settings in the Controller Settings >General Configuration In Firmware v3.12, we added a MIDI Clock Port select feature to allow the controller to send MIDI Clock only to specific outputs. (httpFew readersHow do I lock my banks so that pressing on two switches will not change Banks?
Set your Switch Sensitivity to the maximum. This reduces the delay when a switch is pressed, and hence makes engaging dual switch functions harder. Alternatively, you can enable Dual Switch Lock in the Controller Settings.Few readersHow do I set an external aux controller to change banks?
Connect an aux controller to the Omniport with a stereo cable. Be sure to change the expression input type to Fixed Switch Custom in the Main Configuration Menu. Then just select the desired options on what you want each switch to do.Few readersHow do I send a MIDI message on bank change?
Use the Bank Presets to execute upon entering or exiting a bank.Few readersBank Presets (send MIDI messages upon entering or exiting a bank)
Bank Presets allow you to send MIDI messages upon entering or exiting a particular bank. You can program your Bank Presets under the Edit Bank tab on the Morningstar Device Editor or on your controller itself. Send up to 16 different MIDI messages with each Bank Preset. If you select the ‘On Enter’ event for a particular MIDI message, it will be sent when you enter that particular bank. If you select ‘On Exit’, the MIDI message will be sent when you exit that particular bank. Some useful applFew readersSending different MIDI messages with the same Expression Preset
Yes, it is possible to set up one expression preset on the MC to control different MIDI devices independently. You can do so by using the Select Exp Message message type. Here's an example: If you have an Expression Preset with 2 messages sending to 2 different MIDI channels, like below You can set up a preset to enable only either message to be sent, instead of both, using the Select Exp Message mesFew readersHow to copy Preset to every Bank
If you need the same Preset to be available in every Bank in your controller, there is a feature to copy a Preset and then paste it to all Banks. First, select the Preset in the editor that you can to copy. Click on Copy. Then, navigate to the Preset that you want to paste to. It can be the same or different preset as the one you copied. Afterwhich, TRIPLE-CLICK on the paste icon. (https://storageFew readersUsing 2 MC6 PROs Together
You can connect 2 MC6 PROs and have them bank up/down in tandem and control each other. The best way to do this would be to connect the USB Host Port of MC6 PRO 1 to the USB Device Port of MC6 PRO 2. When you scroll up/down through banks on MC6 PRO 1, MC6 PRO 2 will follow and match the banks too. You will also be able to send MIDI messages from one to the other. The MIDI messages needed to control the MC6 PRO are all found in the MIDI Dictionary ( readersConnecting to an Apple iPhone lightning port
When connecting to a lightning port, it is not possible to use a lightning to USB cable to connect directly. This is because the lightning and USB protocols are different. You need to use the Apple USB Camera Adaptor to interface between the two ports.Few readersCan the MC6 work with my device?
It depends if your device has a MIDI implementation. If there is no MIDI, then no, it will not work. If there is a physical MIDI port on the device (like a 5-pin or TRS MIDI port), then yes, it will likely work. You'll need to check your device manual for more info on what you can control. Check the manual to see if you can send Program Change messages to it to recall presets. Look for the Control Change MIDI implementation chart to see what functions you can control with CC mesFew readersAlternative ways to change banks
If you do not want to use the dual switch functions to bank up and down on the MC, there are a few alternatives to execute bank changes. Use Bank Change Mode You can program a switch in the bank to enter Bank Change Mode, which will allow you to scroll through the banks in a menu before selecting the bank. You can use an alternate action like Long Press if you need to pair the preset with other functiFew readersHow to scroll through BPMs and using the same switch as a Tap Tempo switch
In the example below, you can scroll through a pre-set list of BPMs with the Message Scroll feature turned on. The scroll messages are set to execute in Toggle Position 1. Then if you do a Long Press, the preset will toggle to Pos 2. In Pos 2, you can tap the switch to tap in a MIDI Clock BPM. Long press again to switch back to Pos1 to scroll through the list of BPMs.Few readersUsing Strymon Nixie with Morningstar Controllers
Overview When Nixie to communicate with the devices, it sends SysEx messages to a MIDI Interface via USB, which then forwards it to the Strymon devices. The Strymon devices will then send some SysEx messages back to Nixie via the MIDI Interface. It is possible for Strymon Nixie to communicate with your Strymon Timeline, BigSky etc using the Morningstar MC6MKII, MC8 and MC6 PRO (these units have a MIDI IN and OUT port), instead of using a dedicated MIDI Interface. Settings on the MC6MKIFew readers
MIDI Clock is not working
MC is connected to the Editor If you have updated to the v3.12 firmware, the MIDI clock being generated from the controller will time-out for 3 seconds if it is connected and communicating with the editor. Please try disconnecting from the editor when using MIDI clock. MIDI Clock Port Settings There is also a new feature under the Controller Settings >General Configuration section called MIDI Clock Port Settings, where it allows you to select specific ports to send MIDI ClockPopularThere is MIDI Noise in my Audio signal
Problem When sending MIDI messages from your controller to your MIDI devices, you can hear a “tick” sound in your audio signal. This problem is more obvious when sending a stream of MIDI messages like MIDI Clock messages or CC messages via your expression pedal. This issue is more common in devices with TRS MIDI implementations. From our experience, pedals that use DIN5 MIDI implements the MIDI standard. Cause There is a ground loop in your setup, likely caused by MIDI devices recSome readersMIDI device troubleshooting check-list
Overview Finding out why your MIDI device isn't responding to your MIDI controller can be frustrating. Hopefully this checklist helps you identify the issue. On the MIDI device Check MIDI Channel Ensure that the MIDI device that you are controlling is the same as the MIDI message you are sending from your MIDI controller. MIDI devices will only respond to MIDI messages sent on the same channel as it. Check MIDI settings Certain devices, such as the Strymon Timeline or HX Stomp, hasSome readersTroubleshooting MIDI issues
Overview As MIDI devices and controllers are technical features, it is not possible to have a plug and play functionality. We do, however, try to make it as easy for the user as possible. If you are new to MIDI, you might find yourself getting frustrated over not being able to control your MIDI devices in your pedal-board, after spending time wiring everything up. If you find yourself in such a situation, I really recommend just setting things up one at a time for a start. Likely causesSome readersSwitch Latency
Switch latency refers to the moment the switch is press to when the functions are actually executed. The MC controllers can be set up to have 0 latency, but by default, there is a minimal amount of latency added to help with dual switch presses (like Bank Up and Down). If there is no added latency, it will be very hard (if not possible) to execute dual switch presses. How to remove the latency There are 2 ways to adjust this latency. Switch Sensitivity The Switch Sensitivity settingFew readersCertain Functions Are Not Working
If functions like Bank Up/Down, Toggle Page etc are not working, it is likely that your device is still in Editor Mode. In Editor Mode, a number of functions are disabled to help with editing. Some of these functions include: MIDI Clock Waveform Generators Sequencers Banks Jump Keystrokes For example, when a user presses Preset C to load the settings in the Editor, and Preset CFew readersMy controller hangs at the main preset screen
If you have an aux switch connected to the Omniport, it is likely that it is a Normally Closed (NC) switch. The MCx requires a momentary Normally Open (NO) switch. If a NC switch is used, the MCx will read it as a switch being pressed down, which makes it seem like the controller has hanged. Also, your controller may hang due to an infinite MIDI loop, which happens when you have the MIDI signal connected back to the controller MIDI Input and have MIDI Thru turned on. Thus, when you send a MIDIFew readersMIDI Note values does not match DAW
Under the MIDI Notes message type, we also add the note information i.e. C-1 for easier reference. However, you may notice that in some DAWs like Ableton, it will read as one octave lower i.e. Sending a MIDI Note 30 (F1) from the MC triggers a F0 in Ableton. This is because of different standards being used. We use the ISO system where MIDI Note 60 is the Middle C (C4), while some DAWs use a different stFew readersTesting your MIDI OUT port
Check your MIDI cable and connection If you think you are having issues with the MIDI OUT port on your controller, please first check that you have tried a different MIDI Cable to rule out the possibility of a faulty MIDI cable. Also, please check that you have the MIDI Cable inserted correctly to the MIDI OUT port. The MIDI OUT port on the MC6 and MC8 have 7 pins, while regular MIDI cable has 5 pins. Hence, it is possible that you might have angled the MIDI cable wrongly when connecting toFew readersController stops working after engaging a preset
Problem Controller boots up properly but stops working after a Preset is engaged. Diagnosis There might be a couple of reasons for this, but the most common reason would be a MIDI loop. What is a MIDI Loop? A MIDI loop occurs when the MIDI signal generated by the MIDI controller is sent back to its MIDI Input. If MIDI Thru is turned ON in the MIDI controller, the received MIDI message will be sent back out again, resulting in an infinite MIDI loop. This will cause unexpected behavFew readersController works fine when connected to Editor but cannot change banks once disconnected
If you have no issues using the controller while the Controller is connected to the Editor, but you start facing issues with banking up or down once you disconnected from the Editor, it is likely because the Custom Bank Arrangement feature (under Controller Settings >Bank Arrangement) is turned ON and the Custom Bank Sequence is empty. This behaviour occurs because when the Controller is connected to tFew readersSwitch Press does not load Preset in Editor
By default, switch presses do not load Presets into the Editor when connected. This is an option in the Editor Settings and you need to enable it. Do note that drawbacks of using this feature as stated in the Editor.Few readersKeystrokes are not working
If you find that the Keystrokes are not working, here are some steps to troubleshoot: Check if the keystrokes are reaching your computer You can use If you hit a key, you should see the key light up in the app. If your computer is receiving the keystrokes then it means that the issue is related to a setting in the software you are trying to control MIDI Controller needs to be connected via USB Keystrokes is a USB protocol, so the MIDI controller needs to beFew readers
[New Feature] Preset Renderer
The Preset Renderer feature allows you to visualise the Preset colors and text on the editor itself. You can enable this feature in the Editor Settings: Editor Settings - Preset Renderer Be sure to click on Save to save the editor settings after enabling this feature. Thereafter, when you navigate back to the Preset Settings page, you should see an updated interface: Preset Settings - Preset Renderer (PopularWhat is a MIDI Channel
Overview The MIDI Channel parameters in each MIDI device allows the device to identify what MIDI messages are meant for them and then respond accordingly. If a MIDI message is sent on a different MIDI channel than what the MIDI device is set to, then it will simply ignore that message. Every MIDI device should have a way to alter it's MIDI channel. Please refer to the manual of your respective MIDI devices. Basics In MIDI, there are a total of 16 MIDI Channels you can use ( 1, 2, 3 ... 16Few readersAre the MIDI ports isolated?
As per the MIDI specifications, only the MIDI Inputs in all our devices are isolated. The MIDI Outputs cannot be isolated.Few readersUsing Phantom Power
If your MIDI Controller's MIDI OUT port is a 7-pin port, then it can be powered via Phantom Power on Pins 6 & 7. You can supply both AC or DC 9-12v power to these pins. Polarity does not matter for these pins. Some devices such as the Fractal Audio AxeFX2 can supply phantom power via it's MIDI IN port, which means that if you connect a 7-pin cable from the AxeFX2 MIDI IN port to the MC6 PRO MIDI OUT port, for example, the MC6 PRO can draw power from pins 6 & 7 and power itself. Alternatively,Few readers