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Which Port should I use to connect to the Editor?


In the Editor, we display all open MIDI ports in your computer, and you can choose the port that best suits your setup.

Which MIDI port to use

For most users, if your setup isn't anything complicated, you'll just need to choose the lowest-valued port for your device.

A MC device exposes 4 virtual MIDI ports to the computer (which is why there are 4 ports for each device) but only will communicate with the editor using Port 1 (on macOS). On Windows, you might see a different port name, such as input-0/output-1. Choose the lowest valued port.

The reason why we display all the MIDI ports in the editor is because many users have different use cases. Some users may have connected their MC DIN MIDI Input and Output ports to a USB MIDI interface with the intention of using the DIN MIDI Ports to communicate with the Editor, instead of using the USB port. In this case, they will need to select the USB MIDI interface they are using in this list.

Using the Manual Port Select

The MIDI Input and Output ports in the computer are separate, and are mapped algorithmically together. On the rare occasion that the input and output ports are mapped wrongly, the connection will not work. This problem might be likely if there are many MIDI devices connected to the computer.

Using the Manual Port Select feature, you can still choose the specific MIDI Input and Output port to connect to.

Using the Serial Port

This feature is not available on the Desktop Editor

In any event that you do not want to use a MIDI port (or the MIDI port does not work for you) to connect the editor to your controller, you also have the option to use a Serial Port.

Simply click on Connect. A dialog window will show you the list of Serial Ports available. Select the MC you want to connect to.

On Windows, it is not possible to connect to 2 of the same model (i.e. 2 MC8s or 2 ML10Xs) at the same time, which is why this feature was added to allow simultaneous connection to multiple devices. This is not an issue on macOS.

Updated on: 29/12/2023

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